I'm playing catch up with garden pics.
There are many fuzzy shots.
Sorry I don't take fancy pics.
I just really do these so my mom can see what's up.
Romaine lettuce.
Shelling peas...approx. 4-5 feet tall.

Hard to tell, but those are carrots below the peas.


This is the hen who still needs a name.
Someone...probably those darn baby bunnies....
were eating this one zucchini plant.
At first, I thought, well, if I have to sacrifice one, I guess it is what it is.
Then I thought I'd put her next to the poor seedling to guard it.
No one is eating it anymore and it's making a come back!
I move her around the garden now to
protect other plants who are being nibbled on.

Cauliflower. The one and only survivor.

The bush peas seem to like hanging out but are not really growing bigger.
Maybe they're mad because when they look up they see
the shelling peas in their own special box...
with their own special trellis, with their carrot and lettuce friends close by...
while they're stuck on the ground being annoyed...
Are you wondering what those blue rocks are yet?
Aquarium stones so I know what are seedlings and what are weeds.
I can be smart sometimes.

This is one of the smaller of the 18 tomato plants we're growing this year.


I don't know what's up with my cantaloupe this year.
They're not doing so well.
I think it's the back right corner of my garden.
Nothing seems to do well there.
Didn't help that my asshat neighbor flooded
out that corner doing who knows what....
I miss when all my neighbors were senior citizens.
They knew how to be good neighbors.
These young/middle aged people are morons.

Sorry, I was talking about the garden, not neighbors.
These are the regular cucumbers.

Here are my pickling cukes.

Bell pepper. I also have hot peppers.
Don't know why I didn't take a pic of them...

Eggplant and the Princess' feet, in case you couldn't guess.
Yeah, she wears fancy shoes in the garden.
That's how she likes to roll.

Mint, mint and more mint.

Blueberries. In never get to eat them.
Usually, the birds wait for the precise moment they're ripe...
and then swoop down and eat them all.
Rat bastards....

My raspberry bush turned into a tree over the years.
Not sure how. Probably bad pruning on my part.

The asparagus is huge and always falls over.
It's like, "Oh, we're old and tired, I want to take a nap!"
And I'm always trying to talk them into just staying up.
They aren't listening so well.

We have a ton of strawberries this year.
Slugs were eating them, so I put a few small dishes of beer.
They are no longer bothering my strawberries.

And that's it for now.
It's actually June 4 today and everything is already much bigger.
AND I'm actually doing a good job of weeding this year.