Are you still buying laundry detergent? I'm not. Not ever since I came across Jabs Homemade Laundry Detergent. I was skeptical at first. But I have to say when you read the site, the breakdown of the average store-bought stuff at 21 cents a load compared to 5 cents or less a load for this stuff, how can you not at least try it out. I made it while sitting on my couch watching tv. It really takes no time at all and saves a ton of money.
It's simple...1 cup of washing soda, 1 cup of borax and 1 bar of grated soap. They say you only have to use 1 tablespoon, but I use the scoop from my old OxyClean's probably closer to 2 tablespoons. I throw it in, run the hot water for a minute, then switch to cold and put my clothes in. My friend adds some extract or tea oil or something for fragrance, but I'm fine with the no-smell approach.
There are a million and one comments on their site, so read through and see the things people did and didn't like, and the substitutions they made. (BTW I know I sound info-mercially but I just like to share the cool stuff I find.)