Monday, May 23, 2011

DIY Dishwasher Detergent

Remember way back when, I wrote a post about Jabs Homemade Laundry Detergent?  Well, I decided to give their dishwasher detergent a go and after using a full batch, I have to say it totally works! 

Jabs Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

Mix together:

1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup Kosher Salt
1/4 cup Citric Acid

It may clump over time, but that's just the citric acid.  No big deal.  And use vinegar as a rinse agent.  I was leery about that, but it works great.  He says to use a tablespoon per load, but I use an old ice tea scoop...about 2 1/2 tablespoons.  I'm going to have to try using a tablespoon and I'll let you know how that goes.  I use a 1:3 ratio per load...2/3 in the main section and 1/3 in the pre-wash.
A note on Citric can buy this stuff online or at a place they sell beer making supplies.  I am too lazy to do that.  So instead I picked up Lemi-Shine at Target.  It was roughly $3 (if I remember correctly) for a 12 oz. container.  Some people reported in the comments section on his page that they were getting a white film on their glasses. I haven't had that problem.

The cost savings is astronomical, but more importantly, when you're out of it, it takes too seconds to whip up a batch instead of having to run to the store.  This definitely gets my stamp of approval!